Finding Better Jewelry

Have A Coin Collection To Sell? Tips To Make The Most Money

by Cody Day

You have a coin collection and you'd like to liquidate it. If you have the right tools and resources, you can potentially make a lot of money off this investment. If you want to sell coins and make a decent profit along the way, follow this guide.

Know the value of each individual coin

Researching the value of each individual coin will allow you to know just how much your coin collection is worth as a whole. Keep in mind that some coins hold little individual value but when combined with other coins in a collector set, they have more potential profit to gain. If you know the individual current value of each coin you have, you can learn whether selling them individually is best or if combining them in sets will make you the most money.

Know the precious metal value of each coin

You can melt coins down to gather their weight and value in gold, silver, nickel, copper, and other precious metals if you wish. However, some more rare coins might be worth more in their collector value than their melted value, so learn the previous metal value of all your coins to help you determine which method is best for when you decide to sell coins to others.

Know your venue to sell coins in

The best way to sell coins for you may not work for everyone. If you want to liquidate your entire coin collection at once, you will do well choosing an auction house to do so. If you want to sell individual coins and can sit on your coin collection for a while, choose a gold buyer or coin buyer you feel comfortable selling your coins to. You can also sell coins to a pawnbroker if you need instant cash, but your profits may vary.

Another option is to sell coins to local collectors who just want to add to their own collections. This might net you the most profit of all. Consider looking online to see the best ways you can sell coins, whether you want to sell them individually, in bulk, or in collected sets.

Know the packing and shipping methods

Packing and shipping costs when you sell coins can really add up. Consider selling coins in person to make transactions more profitable to you, or choosing a shipping company that has the best rates for shipping across the country. To keep packing minimal, buy packing supplies in bulk. With the right tools and research, you can make a nice profit when you sell coins.

If you want to know more about how to sell coins, reach out to a local jewelry store or pawn shop.
