Finding Better Jewelry

  • Why Jewelry Repair Is So Important

    6 March 2019

    If you are a jewelry owner who has never used a jewelry repair service, you might not be aware of why these services are so valuable. However, jewelry repair is important for these reasons. It Can Help You Get Great Deals on Jewelry For one thing, if you work with the right jewelry repair professional, you can get great deals on jewelry. For example, you might be able to purchase damaged estate or antique jewelry for a cheap price, and you can then have it repaired.

  • Tips For Caring For Your Sea-Themed Pendant

    8 February 2017

    For those that love spending time near the ocean, a pendant that incorporates elements from the ocean can be one of your favorite accessories. If you have recently purchased one of these pieces of jewelry, you might not be aware of the steps that need to be followed to properly care for them. Therefore, you might want to utilize several tips to make sure that your pendant is in the best condition possible.

  • Buying Jewelry for the Woman in Your Life? 4 Tips to Help

    25 January 2017

    Whether it's a new love interest or your wife, buying jewelry can sometimes be a difficult task. The idea of buying something that you know she'll love is often where the difficulty arises from. Don't fret. Buying jewelry for the woman in your life doesn't have to be stressful; here are some tips to help you with the process. Set Your Likes Aside When shopping, it's easy to keep your likes at the forefront.

  • Three Things You Need To Know About Selling Your Vintage Jewelry Collection

    20 January 2017

    If you've been bequeathed jewelry from a relative or friend, you probably already know that pieces crafted with fine gemstones and precious metals can be worth significant sums on the resale market. However, you may not be aware that vintage costume jewelry sometimes commands a pretty price tag as well. Although you can't expect to make as much from a strand of crystals from the 1950s as you would from a strand of freshwater pearls from that area, you still stand to profit at least a little from selling vintage costume jewelry.

  • Fun Ideas for Your Child's Birthday Party Favor Bags

    6 January 2017

    When you are looking for something to place into your child's party favor bag after their big birthday bash, you might go looking for candy or little plastic toys. If you'd like to include something a little different which maybe even relates to the activities of the party itself, the following are some fun ideas you could use to not only create a fun party but have a great favor bag too.

  • 3 Interesting Places To Buy Gold

    2 December 2016

    Gold is a commodity that many investors purchase for future financial security. While the price of gold rises and falls along with other commodities, it's intrinsic value ensures that it will always be a popular buying choice for investors. When it comes to purchasing gold, the process is not always straightforward. There are many interesting ways to obtain gold for your household treasure chest. Here are some of the most accessible and interesting places to buy gold.

  • You Said Yes! 3 Simple Steps To Care For Your Diamond Engagement Ring

    30 November 2016

    If your significant other asked, and your answer was yes, you probably have a new engagement ring on your hand. If this is your first experience with a diamond, you might not know how to care for it. Don't worry. It's not as scary as it seems. While your new diamond engagement ring will require some tender-loving-care, these simple steps will help you keep it looking beautiful. Keep It Safe