Finding Better Jewelry

  • Great Things About Rings

    27 August 2021

    If you want to buy jewelry for yourself or for someone else and you aren't set on what you want to get yet, then you should think about buying a ring. There are some very good reasons why rings make fantastic additions to your own jewelry collection, as well as why they make sure good gifts. Here are some great things about rings:  Rings can always be seen by the person wearing them

  • The Beauty Of A Gold Ring

    10 May 2021

    Jewelry is something that anyone can wear. It's a simple accessory that can make anyone feel special. One of the most important and meaningful types of jewelry is a gold ring. As you probably already know, gold rings can symbolize marriage. However, they can also mean a host of other things. And, whether you choose to buy a gold ring for someone you care about, are in love with, or even for yourself, there are many advantages to this choice.

  • Custom Jewelry Ideas To Consider For Your College-Bound Teen

    16 February 2021

    When you're a parent, it can be challenging to watch your child leave for college — especially if the college is a significant distance away from where you live. While this can also be an exciting time for your family, there's no denying that you'll miss your teen and they'll miss you. There are many gift ideas that parents give their college-bound children, but one idea to think about is custom jewelry.

  • Have A Coin Collection To Sell? Tips To Make The Most Money

    16 October 2020

    You have a coin collection and you'd like to liquidate it. If you have the right tools and resources, you can potentially make a lot of money off this investment. If you want to sell coins and make a decent profit along the way, follow this guide. Know the value of each individual coin Researching the value of each individual coin will allow you to know just how much your coin collection is worth as a whole.

  • Broken Jewelry? Don't Panic

    17 June 2020

    The last thing any jewelry owner wants is to have a beloved piece break while they're wearing it. While this is disheartening, you can recover your jewelry if you take the right steps. What are these? Here is what you should and shouldn't do from the moment of breakage.  1. Collect the Pieces The first thing to do is to not panic. No matter what the breakage, you will likely have many choices as to how to fix or reconstruct it.

  • Are You About To Pop The Marriage Question To Your Sweetheart?

    27 March 2020

    Is your sweetheart expecting your marriage proposal, or will it be a surprise? Assuming you have already decided the rest of your life together, the next step is actually slipping an engagement ring on your significant other's finger. Maybe you are a little puzzled about what kind of an engagement ring to select. Read on for some ideas that might help you to buy a ring that will be a treasure forever.

  • 2 Processes Used To Create Lab-Grown Diamonds

    18 December 2019

    A lot of different terms are used to describe the diamonds that are featured in jewelry settings. You may come across the term "synthetic diamond" and assume that these diamonds are fakes. A synthetic diamond is essentially one that has been grown in a laboratory setting rather than being mined from the Earth. Scientists have come up with two advanced processes that can be used to create diamonds that are identical in molecular structure and chemical composition to the diamonds found in nature.

  • Wedding Bands: To Match Or Show Personal Style

    8 October 2019

    So, you finally found the one — the one you want to spend your life with. You have found the person who inspires you to be your best self, yet completes you in a way you never thought possible. Wedding bells are ringing in your ears, and yet you have missed a step. It's time to get engaged. Getting engaged is an exciting time where you get to tell the world that you have finally found your person.

  • Tips For Creating A Bohemian Look

    16 August 2019

    The bohemian style never truly falls out of vogue. Boho style has its roots in the hippie culture of the '60s and '70s, combined with a tad of artistic flair and lots of international influence. It incorporates varied, flowing textiles, earth-friendly natural fabrics, and pops of color in all the right places. The following are a few tips for developing your own unique look within the bohemian style framework. Tip #1: Fabrics matter

  • Are You Giving Your Wife A Sentimental Gift Of Jewelry?

    20 June 2019

    Is a special occasion in your wife's future? Perhaps she's turning the big 4 - 0. Or maybe you are celebrating a special anniversary. No matter the occasion, if you are wanting to give your wife a sentimental gift of jewelry, have you already obtained it? Is it already gift wrapped? If so, you are more than likely happy to have accomplished what you know will make your wife happy.